Saturday, March 05, 2005


Throughout my life, I have been hearing the word equality, though at different places. The very first time I came this word was in algebra when I was a kid but never realized the importance of this word until I read my civics book which told me right to equality is our fundamental right. I was really impressed by the statement but still didn't know how to react because i was sure of only one thing and that was that it is impossible in this real world to do anything to bring equality. I am saying this not because I am a pessimist or something but the only reason is that I feel "EQAULITY IS NOT THE ESSENCE OF NATURE" and I have enough arguments to support this statement. First of all when I look around our solar system I find that not all the planets are made equal. As we always say that our earth is unique planet to have life. So still no equality. Now look in the earth it self, we find there are places which have very high mineral contents etc. but on the other hand there are places which don't have even sufficient amount of water to survive the vegetation. So still no equality. Now coming to various species living on the planet, I still find that there is no equality and we will have to accept the very fact that Homo sapiens are definitely more privileged then any other species. Now in the Homo sapiens it self we don't find equality and some are born with extra ordinary talent etc. whereas there are people born with congenital diseases. So still no equality. So now the question is how real this concept of equality is in practical life . Is it really possible to achieve equality?

Most of people will call me passimist but still I feel that this concept is really good on paper but bringing it to reality is seriously a difficult task, where difficult means almost impossible.