As far as I can think I don't find anything wrong with my I ideas. I haven't done anything wrong till now. Its just your fault that you are not grown enough to understand my highly enlightened thoughts. If I feel that there is only one country in this whole world whats wrong with it?
I am a highly esteemed citizen of
We are the ones who are puttiing a real fight to eliminate terrorism and the seriousness of our fight is clear from the fact that to achieve it we can go to any extent, we are making alliances with the nations, our important partners in combatting terrorism are Israel and Pakistan, the countries which are the most capable of combatting the terrorism. After all you can't expect inexperianced countries like
Now, I am sure you people must be saying all sort of things when it comes to trade practices and subsidy policies i.e is the subsidy our Govt'. is giving to farmers in US while opposing it when other nations do the same but what is wrong with it, after all that farmer belongs to the great nation of
I hope I have been quite successful in proving myself correct, why I voted for George Bush and I hope you will understand my stand. Anyways even if you don't agree with it, I don't care, after all I am a great citizen of a great nation, why should i care for you. This is my greatness that I am still reasoning with you to explain my stand otherwise everyone knows that for me you people doesn't exist because for me there is only one nation in this world,
Sunday, January 23, 2005
The Confession of an American
Saturday, January 22, 2005

.A question has always been hovering in my mind that "What is the purpose of all this chaos around me?" I see people running blindly to achieve something which they don't posses right now. If they get that they start running for the other, so it has just become a never ending wild goose chase. Now some of the, what so called progressive people, will start questioning my vary concept and definitely the only counter view they can produce is that this helps the human being in achieving the progress. I know I am trying to prove a point which is definitely difficult one to assimilate but still the fact remains that progress is a relative term. I want to ask what is the perception of progress? Is there any definite answers like everybody having car or may be every body having all the materialistic things required to lead a comfortable life. But definitely this not the complete answer.What is the use of having all that stuff if we are mantally unsatisfied and unable to use that? This is the case for every contestant of this wild goose chase contest. Through out their life they think that if they will have this thing they will be happy but after some time they realize that they could achieve that thing but still couldn't get that happiness because now they need the other thing.
If having materialistic things was the last thing that could give happiness than our forefathers wouldn't have spend a moment in their life happily.Take for example someone may think that having a Merc or having a big banglow will give him great happiness but this is not the case because our forefathers didn't have all these things but still they were happy reason being that they didn't know what is a Car or even they didn't know what is fan. So the point is that materialistic things can't be a scale of happiness, its just that they are capable of making you unhappy if you keep thinking about them all the day. So the message I want to give is, not that we should give up working harld to achieve all those materialistic things, but instead i suggest that we should realize that these things are need for human being but not the gateway to happiness. So if we can get all those things we should feel happy but we should not regret if we don't have them.