Sunday, January 23, 2005

The Confession of an American

As far as I can think I don't find anything wrong with my I ideas. I haven't done anything wrong till now. Its just your fault that you are not grown enough to understand my highly enlightened thoughts. If I feel that there is only one country in this whole world whats wrong with it?
I am a highly esteemed citizen of United States of America
. I can afford to think so because if you claim that there are hundreds of countries across the globe and you are also living in one of them, then you are wrong. Don't forget you are not living because you or your nation deserved that. It's because of the simple reason that our greatest President wanted you to exist. So your life carries no weight in front of the life of those greatest Americans who are allowing the other countries to exist except a few, after all we are also human beings and can make small mistakes. Look at our greatness, we killed only few thousands in retaliation to the september 9/11 which killed so many Americans. After all those who died were great Americans not Kashmiris or Mumbaites or Palestinians . How could we keep quite, but still its the greatness of our nation that we only ruined two nations, after all we were capable to ruin many more.

We are the ones who are puttiing a real fight to eliminate terrorism and the seriousness of our fight is clear from the fact that to achieve it we can go to any extent, we are making alliances with the nations, our important partners in combatting terrorism are Israel and Pakistan, the countries which are the most capable of combatting the terrorism. After all you can't expect inexperianced countries like India
to help us. India even could not curb the terror in its own land how it will help us. On the other hand look at Israel and Pak, they are capable of carrying on terror(and obviously why should we bother about it,they are not Americans,what will happen even if few thounsand of Indians die out of a billion), so they can help us well to eliminate it also.

Now, I am sure you people must be saying all sort of things when it comes to trade practices and subsidy policies i.e is the subsidy our Govt'. is giving to farmers in US while opposing it when other nations do the same but what is wrong with it, after all that farmer belongs to the great nation of America
. The great America which is helping out all other nation of world, freeing then from the claws of the dictators and giving them a stable rule under the flag of USA in exchange of almost negligible materialistic gains like crude etc.

I hope I have been quite successful in proving myself correct, why I voted for George Bush and I hope you will understand my stand. Anyways even if you don't agree with it, I don't care, after all I am a great citizen of a great nation, why should i care for you. This is my greatness that I am still reasoning with you to explain my stand otherwise everyone knows that for me you people doesn't exist because for me there is only one nation in this world, USA