Friday, April 29, 2005

We get what we deserve

Yesterday on the dinning table I was sitting with my friends and suddenly a topic started on India's present condition, where you can't find even a few national leaders without any corruption or criminal charges. As usual, I and kullu were of the extreme opinion that for this only masses of biggest and most successful democracy are responsible. They are the one who lie in the root of the problem. Take the case of corrupt leaders. We see that all this leaders are elected by the people and they are the ones who are sending them. We find people sitting in jail and having charges of murder and rape winning the elections by huge majority just because either they belong to some specific caste or religion or region etc etc and the list of all these crapy reasons goes on. In India, I feel its really very difficult to get votes on the basis of issues like development etc. and it is proved time and again. Take the case of the last year's assembly elections when all the results were dictated by sentimental issues and all the CMs ,who were the face of development, lost their chair just bcoz their opponents raised some sentimental issues and the public got swayed by that. So this really raise a question i.e. are the Indian Citizens mature enough to decide who should be ruling the nation. I know this is a tough and arrogant question to ask but a genuine one.
Now Ghalib came up with possible reason of this behavior of Indian public which predominantly focus on illiteracy and lack of education etc. Now my point is, how does a higher degree helps you to decide what's right or wrong. It’s a simple discretion power given to every one by the nature. Take the case of cat, it doesn't have any educational degree but it still knows that it has to stay away from Dog or a deer without any degree knows that it should stay away from a Lion. So why can't this apply to human beings. Why can’t they simply reject the politician who is distributing money openly or asking for all those crapy reasons? Why can’t they figure out that if a person is raising sentimental issues and asking votes on the name of these crapy reasons doesn't deserve to win?

The situation becomes even worse when the people who understands that things are going wrong takes a very apathetic attitude and don't even go out to vote. The lame excuse being what difference one vote will make. Still the worst part is that you will find every Indian citizen cribbing about the corruption and anarchy prevailing in the society and holding politicians responsible for that but this is the attitude which I hate the most. They can litter anywhere they want, they throw garbage in middle of the road, and they will not vote or vote stupidly for some crapy reasons, spoil the public property and still hold politicians responsible for this. To me it seems that citizens of independent, democratic sovereign republic of India are mostly concerned about the fundamental right but fundamental duties, ah! Who cares?

So now it’s clear as I already mentioned "you get what you deserve" and leaders are one of them. So stop cribbing about them and start thinking what you are contributing for the improvement of situation.

(Don’t get hurt just because I have written something harsh about Indians (I am also a proud Indian). I have limited my comments to Indians only because I don’t know much about the behavior of other nationals. So my comments are not restricted to Indians and may be applicable to others too. )