Thursday, July 20, 2006

Traversing Down the Memory Lane

Today I have finished one month in job and training is finally over. So soon i will be working on a real project but when I look back, I don't think it was that horrible experience about which my seniors use to warn me but still can't be compared with the IIT life. I know there is no point in brooding over the past and as Agent Smith said "everything that has a beginning has an end". So its better that IIT life ended and ended smoothly but still when I sit here and look back I can still see the live images of my days in 4th wing Godavari Hostel, IIT Madras. The images in which we are sitting idle and chatting for hours about anything ranging from discussing insti girls to absurd philosophy of Nietzsche. Within one month, I think, I am out of that mode of life but still there are few people who still hover in my memory lanes. I thought of writing few lines about each of them and after so much of the wait here it goes:

Niloy: I am surprised that this person is alive after so much of tragedy in his life. The most important tragedy being born in Bong land (W. Bengal). So definitely its not his fault if he criticizes all the Bengalis collectively and even prefers to stay as bachelor throughout life in Chennai, rather then settling in Kolkata after marrying a hot Bong female.[:D] I think it was not only god who was against his happiness but to some extent his parents also. They killed all the joys of his life by sending him to a boys school and then again god did whatever he could to make sure that he even stays from the evil shadows of females [;)]. After passing out from boys school he got an admit into NIT Rourkela's metallurgy branch, the only branch where females are not allowed. Our man had read somewhere that man is creator of his own destiny. So he decided to work hard for a branch change and finally succeeded to get into electronics, which had 40% females, but he forgot that reality is a lot different then those motivational things written. Same year our man unwillingly cracked JEE and entered into Mech. Engineering, IIT Madras again a no-female zone. The strongest contender of greatest PJ god title, who may end up suggesting you robbing a bank with a chick, if you ever ask him how to cash with a chick.

He is not expected to cash in next several years.

Chintu: I am sure that this name gives an impression of a cute, small and simple boy but after seeing this guy you will realize how misguiding these impressions can be. This man is not small, not cute (only females find him cute) and by no means a simple guy. He is a man who can even teach Osama Bin Laden how to kill people without guns. This man can kill people with his non stop unjokes by first cracking a joke and laughing himself and as Gutkha says may be he closes his eyes while laughing and doesn't know if others are laughing too. The arbitest guy who ever wandered on this poor earth. A man, who can shout all of sudden while laughing and laugh while shouting. He pretends to be a country bugger but when it comes to talking to female he somehow gets refined all of a sudden and that's why he has a great female fan following but he is still struggling with is DAILY life.

He is cashing in Chennai but heading to Techspan, Bangalore.

Gutkha: I think to describe him one word is enough i.e. absurd. This man is a complete waste of his potential and has decided to gradually dissolve himself into smoke. He has already lost several inches on his waist. He has decided to defend the most unacceptable arguments like if rickshaw puller spents majority of his income on Booze he his right in doing so. Despite of all this he is really true to heart and speaks what he is thinking without any fabrication.

At present he is crashing in Room 222 without working.

Bhaiya: I think if there is someone whose parents have done somewhat comparable injustice then Niloy's parents then definitely it is Bhaiya. Bhaiya was instantly declared as the brother of all fraternity when he got a surname Bhaiya from his parents. This man was definitely the most sensible and practical person in our wing. This man pretends to be just like us but the inner news is that this man is cashing hazaar with chick especially whose names starts with 'S'. He is known to be cashing with at least 10 chicks though the typical ending of his love story is that girls call him with his surname: D

At present he is cashing in Bangalore while working in Modelytics.

To be continued