Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Defending the Despised

Person 1: Hey man, Congrats you got placed in a good company with an excellent package.

Person 2: Thanks buddy but I don't think I am all that happy with the job.

Person 1: Why? You have a very good package along with the profile you always dreamt of !!

Person 2: I know man but you know I have been placed in Chennai.

This is a common dialogue you can find across all the college campuses in the country. Whenever anybody gets placed in Chennai, invariably feelings are the same. Even I had the similar feeling, rather even stronger, as I had already spent four years in that place. I really despised Chennai and used to crib a lot about it. There was not a single day when I didn't abuse Chennai. Now I have left that place (prison) but there is a surprising change in attitude towards Chennai. If you think I miss Chennai now then I am really sorry but you are wrong. I don't miss Chennai, not at all, but I do have developed some sort of peculiar attachment with the city. I still abuse Chennai sometimes but can't tolerate someone else doing the same. Over the past few days, I have found myself defending the same city which I myself abuse. I don't like others criticizing the city even though they haven't ever lived in it, though I feel I have the every right to criticize it because that is my city, my own "Chennai". So next time please don't criticize Chennai in front of me.