Monday, June 30, 2008

A Not So Curious Incident Of An Underdog In Lifetime

If someone asks me who are two of my favorite characters and it wouldn’t take me much time to come up with the names of Marvin from “Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy”, the guy who parked cars for 10 million years though having a brain of the size of a planet and George Costanza from the TV series “Seinfeld”, who was never expected and never did anything great in life. I myself have wondered many times why I like these two characters that much and finally concluded that it has to be some sort of empathy I have for these characters. I think if there is someone who can compete with me in being an underdog with so much consistency, these are the only two characters that come close. I also had the same empathy for Rajasthan Royals team in IPL league at one point of time but they betrayed me and ended up winning the trophy, which I feel is not what real underdogs do in real life. According to me, if in real life some underdog achieves something real, he is not a real underdog.

I know I may sound a bit too pessimistic but let me quote one of the incidents from my life, hence the title of this blog. Sometime back at some place, well time and space doesn’t matter in this incident because they are entangled in such a way that no one can comprehend. It was morning 6:00 am and my alarm clock started ringing loud and clear. I knew I had to rush but I still snoozed to grab few extra minutes of sleep. Finally after snoozing two or three times, I got up and did all daily routine activities in a hurry and reached at the bus stop. This bus was supposed to take me there and I wasn’t very sure why I was going there but knew that I had to be there. Finally I reached at my destination and as usual I took out my keys, took out my laptop from the drawers and allowed it to start and in the meantime went to the coffee room to grab a cup of coffee. Yes, you guessed it right I reached to my office and it was morning 7:50 am. After having the coffee, continued to work till evening 4:30 with a small lunch break in between. Evening 4:30 left back for the place, from where I came in the morning (please do notice that I haven’t used the word home here because it seems some that a home has some very essential components). After reaching there twitched a bit with my six strings and left for my club to play tennis for an hour or so, came back in the night, had dinner and finally retired to my bed waiting for the alarm bell to ring again next day.