Friday, January 23, 2009

And he left me.....

I don't even know for long he was right here
Sitting with me or within me
For long he stayed in my eyes and ears
waiting for me to wake up and wipe his tears.

He knew he could never become real in daylight
So he made all his attempts to disappear
Now and then he woke me up in a restless night
As if he was having pity at his and my plight.

I was too adamant not to let him disappear in disguise
Since I didn't have the heart to see him leave
Without waking up I pressed the snooze probably twice
So that I could hold him a bit longer in my sleepy eyes.

I relentlessly persuaded and tried to stop him
I shuddered and sweated from the efforts
But he, my dream, was a creation of my own whim
And at dawn he left me alone when the light was still dim.

- गजेंद्र "स्थिरप्रग्य" सिडाना