Saturday, October 08, 2011

KWEST Switzerland: Rockin Interlaken

It's been almost two months since I started my MBA at Kellogg School at Management and it has been an amazing roller-coaster ride with only upward trajectory. The journey started with an amazing KWEST trip to Switzerland and it was so much fun that I felt that it can't be put into words until two my KWEST friends did it and did it nicely, though not completely! Hence I decided to repost their article here. Thanks Nick and Jeremy for writing this great write up.

KWEST Switzerland:  Rockin Interlaken- Jeremy Fiser & Nick Rowland

In August, a group of 24 Kwestees invaded Switzerland, ironic given the country’s famed neutrality.  Armed with five stellar leaders and nineteen perfect strangers, KWEST Switzerland (“K Swiss”) arrived with one objective: To Rock Interlaken.  Upon arrival, we wasted no time and embarked upon a vertical march up the Harder Klum, an unbeknownst test of the endurance required for the week.  That night, K Swiss congregated in the lobby of the finest hostel in Interlaken and created “Big Booty” (ask any K Swiss member how the game goes), a raucous drinking game that on more than one occasion landed K Swiss on the bad side of the hostel’s overly attentive Russian bouncers.  K Swiss kept the “Baton tradition” alive, and potentially took it to new levels (spoiler alert – if while drinking you see any K Swiss member with a baton, run).  Casually hungover, K Swiss went canyoning the next morning through the valleys of Interlaken and met the now cult favorite guide Simon, the overly enthusiastic outdoor guide (You will hear impersonations of Simon from K Swiss members: “GUYS…WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO NOW IS JUMP OFF THE LEDGE….”).  While canyoning the glacial runoff, K Swiss invented what is now known as the “Neutral Dance” (see Hearne or Glicken for a demonstration). After our first (10 minute) break, K Swiss then zipped through the tree tops of Interlaken, tackling a ropes course that took Kwestees fifty feet in the air with nothing but a carabineer and “social proof” from preventing a fateful slip (note: dynamite usage of a MORS 430 term).  That night, the K Swiss crew was hosted at the finest restaurant in Interlaken, at least the finest that we could afford (thanks all-time high CHF/USD exchange rate) to nourish ourselves for the task the next day:  glacier hiking and ice climbing.  Upon being informed by our guide (a Nordic pirate with a mullet and fantastic ‘stache) that little kids can do this, K Swiss’ confidence was at an all-time high… until we were lowered 50 feet into a crevice of the glacier and asked to climb out with only shoe spikes and an ice axe. While looking over the glaciers out upon the beautiful mountains of Switzerland, a few thoughts crept into our minds:  1) We are all in terrible shape; 2) Hangovers and ice climbing mix poorly; 3) I don’t think Evanston looks like this; and finally 4) Who are these people?  Thankfully, the Big Reveal was only a day away. But, before that, there was a murder!  K Swiss held an 80’s murder mystery party, laden with mixed messages and mixed drinks, all encouraged to help solve the mystery of “whodunit”.  After a free day, which created various levels of nervousness for the leaders, K Swiss found out who all these people were.  Shockingly, most of the group used to be consultants (no one saw that coming).  Also, beyond the belief of most Kwestees, apparently our leader Brooke “Ternes” is “married” to Ameed Mallick, or so we’re told.   The next day, KSwiss bid adieu to Interlaken and neutrally moved to Zurich (having no collective opinion on the matter).  While in Zurich, K Swiss swam in Lake Zurich, lounged in the parks, ate at the finest bier halls, and congregated in the city’s famed “casual drinking squares”.   

On what was to be the last night, we aggressively partied at Zurich’s #1 (potentially only) disco roller rink club all decked out in white (thankfully before Labor Day).  With bottle service and roller skates, DJ Matt Kawadlar treated the crew to his famed free style rap.  With these tunes in the background, we were all taught the “Barry Sherman,” a South African dance craze bound to sweep through The Keg any day. Despite best efforts, we returned to our hostel safely expecting to fly home the next morning, but we all had yet to meet Hurricane Irene.  While most international travelers were distraught by the havoc and delays, K Swiss was happy to spend one more day in glorious Switzerland, if nothing else to sleep off the hangover and reflect on our victory knowing that we’d just been on the best KWEST trip (a fittingly neutral perspective).