Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Insanity Unlimited

I have always marveled at the functioning of Indian system, I mean whenever I think that what could be the driving force, which is making it run from so many years, my brain goes wild. I always find everything going on in a very smooth equilibrium and you can find all the antagonistic things living side by side. You can find corruption and honesty living side by side, as if they were some lovers who were born to live like that. You can find both intelligence and stupidity intermingled so closely to each other that go to any work place, you can find the difference in black and white. You find people supporting and praising talented people at one time, at other time you will find people calling them as a symbol of elitist oppressors.

In India everybody is moving on without knowing why they are moving or where they are heading but all of them know one thing for sure "We have to keep moving". You read big stories covering the grand success through which Indian Economy is going on or great thing regarding equality and democracy that India is preaching at international stage but I am sure noone ever noticed what a mockery of these two words is being made in the country.

State is imposing a ruthless discrimination in the name of upliftment of downtrodden. Reservations are imposed without any data collection or proper reason being given. Supreme court is shouting at the top of its voice that "how can Govt. of India first play the game and them make the rules". Supreme court has time and again suggeted our HON. DEMOCRATICALLY elected govt. to remove creamy layer from the ambit of reservation but the penchant hypocracy prevailing in the democratic setup itself doesn't allow OUR govt to listen to the reasonable voice. As I already mentioned, in India people learn to live very easily with the vices and virtue without creating much fuss, they also accepted reservation as the their fate. Protests died down because protestors knew that nothing other than demographic count can put any reason into the head of Head of State in India.

I feel that Indian leaders has got a contagious disease to show that they are very considerate of poor without knowing actually how to do that. Few days back only I saw one advertisement in Hindu published in public interest by Govt. of India saying " I am prepared, I have my boat ready, and lots of stuff ready and a fisherman was shown there and at the bottom it was written I am empowered". Now the basic question, which came to my mind, was "can a fisherman read English"? I am sure not many of them will be able to read English, then what is the point of giving this ad. in Hindu.

The reason is clear, DEMOCRATICALLY elected Govt of India doesn't go by reasons. They are not concerned who is getting benefited from its policies; all they care is votes, so that they can come back. Using Hindu (most widely circulated paper) they want to give the impression to middle class that they care for the people and by giving reservations they make sure that they can appease about 50% of the population. Cheap tools like caste, religion, bottle of local wine and some cash can easily lure poor.

The stage is all set for the enactment of George Orwell's ANIMAL FARM...

oops!!! sorry stage was always set here in India, I guess George Orwell must have taken the inspiration from India :)