Thursday, November 09, 2006

A wake up call for Feminists

I have always wondered how people manage to find some trivial issues to raise and then fight for them. Take the case of north south divide, the whole issue rest on the difference in language. People are going mad about it, fighting with each other but in turn leaving out the core issues i.e. the widespread poverty which prevails everywhere in the country.Then can't help but to think about the fight going on for over a century between communists and capitalist. The whole issue being who should own the enterprise i.e. the top bureaucrats or some capitalists. In the end it has to be none other then the poor labor class people who will suffer in both the systems.I don't deny the fact that it is suppose to be this way only. In the food chain, somebody gotta to be on the top. Not every one can be at the same level.

When talking about struggles, how can anyone miss one of the greatest revolution to happen in our century. Yes, you guessed it correctly, I am speaking about FEMINISM. The movement claims to fight for the upliftment of fairer sex who has been oppressed from the times of Adam and Eve. Even I agree that these poor creatures bears so much throughout their lives but for no reason but this movement never meant to address the core issues ( just like any others movement).Rather this movement started to focus on issues like why can't women smoke, drink or go out naked etc just like man!! Now my question is do you really think that women's main suffering is that they are not allowed to smoke or drink or going out naked. So I thought (not actually but got the idea from the movie "Before Sunrise") that "feminism must have been a men's idea" and I think somewhere behind this movement are men only. Of late I don't see any funny issues from these feminists, so thought that I should suggest them a few and I do promise that as a mark of respect to their movement's grand history I won't suggest any issues which may remotely help the needy women. Here are the few issues which should be taken up in the near future:

1) Few days back I was passing by a construction site, there I saw one warning board "Men at Work, Please Go Slow". Now the question is why "Men at work" was written though there are so many women also working. Don't you think that this warning message is a conspiracy of men against women to devaluate their hardwork?

My suggestion is that government should pass a legislation enforcing all the contractors to put the board mentioning "Women and Men at work" (though there is a risk traffic jams after putting these boards :D ). Considering the gravity of crime, the contractor not abiding by this should be given life imprisonment.

2)I also see that in public transport busses, seats on left sides and the rear are reserved for women and the ones on the right and the front (just left to driver) are left unreserved. Again its clear that by reserving the back seats, men want to subjugate them they way they have been doing for generations.

My suggestion would be to reserve every alternate seat for women (not to mention starting from seat no. 1 :D).

I will try to come up with lot more issues to help (wo)men from time to time. :D