Tuesday, February 26, 2008

An Innocent Death

After a long hiatus today I thought of writing. It has been months since I updated my blog but best part is that it doesn't make any difference, as no one would have noticed it since I am sure, not many people would be dropping on this blog anyways. Its not that lack of readers is always a bad rather sometimes it is good for a person like me. It gives me ample opportunity to discard all the garbage off my head but still not to bother anyone with it. So if anyone is reading this blog so far, it becomes my moral responsibility to make him aware about the possible danger he is stepping on.

I am back here because I needed to vent out the weird feeling I am having today. The sole reason for this is the movie "Into the wild". I watched this movie yesterday night and it shook me in a way, which no movie has done in past few years. The movie based on the true story of a 23 year old boy named Christopher Mccandless, who went into the wild in Alaska to live on his own. He donated his life time savings of USD 24,000 to OXFAM. He abandoned his car and burnt all the money he had.He survives in Alaska for 112 days before dying because of poisoning caused by a poisonous plant he ate.

This movie touches lot of aspects of human feeling. This movie makes you feel what is really important in your life. The main character makes you realize how a person can be happy without any bondage like money, power and relations. This movie also makes you ponder over your plight for missing so much of what nature has to offer. In the last part Christopher realized that a person enjoys happiness when its shared but it was too late for him to leave Alaska and ultimately he was forced to spend his last few days there itself.

The last part is a very tragic portrayal of an innocent death and by the time it happens viewer is bound to be so attached with the character that he will feel the pain of his death. I don't know which string this movie touched in my heart but I know one thing, it has change my perspective of life.

I must give full credit to director Sean Penn for directing a masterpiece, where I will give hundred percent marks to Emile Hirsch for acting and Eddie Vedder for wonderful sound track for this movie. The sound track is so great that I am listening to it continuously from past two days. After watching the movie, this sound track touches the heart even more.