Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just an inane thought

Today while I was talking to my colleague Arjun, I stumbled upon this interesting idea which I am sure not many feminists might have thought so far. So as usual being a great liker of women fraternity (though to my bad luck somehow they don't like me), I thought of putting it here. The idea I am talking about is related to the cyclones and hurricanes. Now let me ask you this, what is common between women and the hurricanes and cyclones, which have hit our planet recent times apart from the fact that both can be devastating at times. The answer is not very simple, so I will tell you the answer straight away. The commonality is that all these cyclones/hurricanes were named after women, be it Katrina, Rita or Nargis (which struck Bangalore yesterday) and Tsunami (though not sure what it means but definitely this word have feminine feel :D). So is it just pure coincidence that time and again all the devastating hurricanes were named after women, or its a sort of conspiracy by men dominated world or it is a fact the women are indeed dangerous and hence nothing unusual in this kind of nomenclature, only a feminist can answer. Any feminist reading this?